Friday, April 14, 2017

altchem Duster 1720 400 ML

Gas / Air Duster / Semprotan Angin / Pembersih Debu / Dust Cleaner / Blower / Remover

Industrial Maintenance Product

Green Tech

Spray / Semprot

No: 1720

Quantity: 1 Can / 1 Kaleng

Ukuran: 400 MiliLiter

Merek: altchem

Stok: Berjalan

- Removes surface contaminants such as dirt, dust, and lint without damaging components or surface finishes.

- Non-flammable and safe for plastics.

- Non-abrasive, dries instantly, and comes with an extension tube for precise application.

Applied on:

Plant Machinery, Computers, Office Equipment, Electronics, Video, Audio, Communication, Photography Equipment, Lighting, Workbenches, Circuit Boards, Breaker Panels, Connectors, Drafting Tables, and more.

*) Produk tersebut termasuk kategori BUBUK/CAIRAN/GAS yang TIDAK dapat dikirim via UDARA. Pengiriman HANYA via DARAT/LAUT.

Selamat berbelanja dan berkarya!

* Proquillid *

BUKA: Senin - Jumat (10.30 - 16.30)

TUTUP: Sabtu - Minggu, Libur Nasional, dan Jadwal Khusus Libur Toko [Pengiriman di HARI KERJA berikutnya]


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